Easy-to-use platform
to manage, track & scale internal coaching
We provide one space for the best coaching experience that drives employee engagement to achieve your business goals

More than 70% of companies with internal coaching practice face the problem of laborious and nontransparent set up of the coaching process
There are 3 most challenging points
  • Scheduling and matching:

    coordinating schedules between coaches and employees, matching the right coach to the right employee, and sending notifications can be complex
  • Monitoring and evaluation:

    gathering feedback and assessing the effectiveness of coaching sessions requires manually aggregating data from various sources
  • Capacity and involvement:

    managing capacity of individual coaches, maintaining an overview of total coaching hours and tracking engagement can be laborious
We’ve created a single platform to help you overcome these challenges and take control of internal coaching in your company
Benefits you will get with Elatra
Control and transparency
of the entire coaching process in your company
within the single platform
Smooth process
with automated features for managing coaches
& employees workflow
Insights for business
with analytical dashboards of coaches performance and employees progress with measurable impact
by providing external coaching with specific expertise, language & time zone on demand
How Elatra helps you manage internal coaching
From concept to launch in just a few simple steps:

  • Define your role: manager/coach/employee

  • Sign up with intuitive onboarding

  • Set your coaching programs with templates

  • Start internal coaching by matching people-to-people
Loop your coaching workflow with the help of comprehensive tools:

  • Goal planning

  • Notes and feedback

  • Full-featured scheduling and notifications

  • Integrated video conferencing

  • Micro-learning library
Keep an eye on the control points of your internal coaching:

  • Analyze employees' progress

  • Track people time allocation

  • Measure engagement and satisfaction

  • Monitor coaching level and performance
As a result, Elatra helps you:

  • Understand what topics people are working on and highlight insights for your managing team

  • Measure your coaching impact on business goals through employee progress

  • Enrich your people with additional expertise of external coaches database
Measure & Scale
Why choose Elatra
Deep coaching expertise

We know challenges your internal coaches face to help you overcome them
Data privacy

We ensure complete privacy of your coaching data
Result-driven approach

We focus on your business goals rather than processes
Get Elatra live demo
As part of the demo, we:

  • discuss your immediate needs, business challenges, and answer your questions

  • show you Elatra's platform with access to test its opportunities for your business
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Partner with Elatra to unlock full potential of your employees and drive exceptional performance